Monday, April 26, 2010

Crime films

Crime films are films based around various aspects of crime and the criminal justice system they are distinctive from every other genre because of the key aspects involved. They can fit into many different sub genres the most common of them would be drama, action and thriller films. There are some characteristics that are more easily shown through crime films like the mafia and criminals.

Common examples of crime films are films like Goodfella’s The Godfather and batman. They all have characteristics in common they have a villain which could be one man or a group of people. And they all follow the story of the hero. the characters in a crime film depend on its sub-genre so for a gangster film the characters would be all in a mob and usually in crime thrillers the hero is a member or ex member of the police force or army like die hard. Most thriller films could be classed as crime film’s. In a way that most films fit the crime genre like The lion king where Scar kills Mufasa, because murder is a crime this could be counted however it could also be argued against. The most Common characteristics in a crime film follow the law so anything with police in it could be classed as a crime film.
Crime films are distinctive from other genres because they are usually set in a foreign city like for gangsters it could be set in Italy or they could be American gangsters in New York but throughout the film you would see the same features. The cast of the film are generally older men because they suit ether part the hero or villain, as with age they would gain more respect and experience they also mainly dress in smart clothes like shirts but again this needs to corresponds with the subgenre. They also mainly follow the tasks and achievements of the hero not the villain.
The crime genre in most cases is usually a cycle because at the start of the film a crime occurs and the hero is then assigned to solve the crime. At the end of the film the hero solves the crime gets rewarded and everything goes back to normality. The director uses things like red herrings and flashbacks to mislead the viewer from the actual villains to create more suspense.
In conclusion I have found that the crime genre has a very broad range of qualities which class it in this genre
. However the crime genre is very obvious which is why it is a highly viewed class of films.

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