Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Analysis of Movie Posters

For this task I have chosen 3 popular thriller movies, I have chosen The Godfather, Pulp Fiction and The Dark Knight.

These posters make it verry easy to tell the genre of the film just with a quick glance.

The colours used are a the main contributing factor of this,. Black is the main colour used in The Godfather poster with most of it just blacked out with the writing and the godfather himself in white. Pulp Fiction has a bit more colour in but sticks to dark coulours to make it look like a dark room iluminated by a lamp. The Dark Knight poster is set at night to create a dark atmosphere the only soucre of light is a burning bat symbol on the building in the background. All three follow the same colour scheme of dark coulours which creates an atmosphere of suspence and gives the film a scnce of mystery.

The imagary used in each poster is another contrubuting factor to the thriller genre The Godfathers only other colour used is red this is the rose on his suit the red symbolises aggrssion. On the Dark Knight there is a burning building this automaticly show’s there is going to be violence in the film, in both Pulp Fiction and The Godfather there is gangsters which also shows there is going to be violence in the film. There is also guns on the the Pulp Fiction poster.

Taglines are also important on the poster of The Dark Knight the line “Welcome To A World Without Rules” is used this automaticly tells the viewer that there is going to be a lot of crime in the film, on The Godfather “I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse.” This shows there is going to be a deal in the film most likley a crime.

All these different elements contrubute to the overall thriller poster but they can all be used in different ways for example red can also represent lust and love but in a thriller the main use would would be to symbolise violence and mortality

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