Thursday, April 29, 2010

Opening Summary

The opening of our film shows a clip from the middle of the film. The film is then a flashback of how he got to this point in his life. After the “flashback” the rest of the film will play and we will see how the main characters choice affects everyone in the film. The intro is approximately two minutes long and shows the main character winning a game of poker in a private club or bar. Not only does the main character win the prize money and cars but he also wins a job from the don. He opens an envelope to find orders to make a hit on someone, the identity of this someone will remain secret throughout the introduction but later in the film we will find out and we will see why he is being interrogated this. The next scene is of the main character walking out the poker room as he makes his way towards the cellar where he will complete the “job” the stairs to the cellar is guarded with a bodyguard but the main character has access. He makes his descent of the stairs and walks into the cellar where the suspect is being held. In the cellar there is a member of the mob watching over the suspect. The main character hands over his jacket to the mobster and in return gets given a weapon. The main character then uses the weapon to hit the suspect. In the intro we will try to show the main characters face as little as possible this is so we can keep suspense in our intro and so the audience will want to carry on watching the film to find out who this character is. Our intro fits in to the common genre conventions because we will try and use either men or some of our older looking friends. We will dress them in suits or smart clothes so they look rich and powerful. We will use props like beer cans and cigarettes, and probably use a bat or pole for the weapon. We will light the rooms dimly and have little or no light in the cellar to give the effect of a private underground club. We have tinted the intro in black and white so show it is a ‘flashback’ the rest of the film will be in colour.

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