Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Costumes and props

For the costumes we will have smart suits shirts and tie’s this may not be a problem as most of the cast and extras will already have suits if not we will have a selection of spare shirts and suits, which we are willing to lend out. And if we still do not have enough we will buy suits from a charity shop to keep cost at a bare minimum. The cast will be required to wear smart shoes for the shoots.

During the poker game the props we will have are glasses which the pub that we set it in will let us use or what we bring from home. Alternatively we can use plastic cups these are cheaper alternatives and once they have liquid in them they will look like glass. For the poker game itself we will need cards, a poker table top and chips. We will also need some money to put onto the table to make the poker game look authentic. We are already fortunate enough to already have access to these props. If we decide to involve drug abuse in the film then we will use sherbet, this can be bought cheaply on the day from a local shop. For alcohol props we can use empty beer cans or bottles which the school have in the department or what we bring from home. We will need chairs for the poker players to sit on and a table for the players to play on which we can access from the school.

For the final scene we will need a chair for the hostage to sit on and some rope to tie him to it. We can acquire the chair from college and the rope from home. We will also need a bag to place over his head. For the weapon we will use a metal bar which we can acquire from either the college or at home.


· Suits
· Smart shoes
· Shirts and ties
· Cards
· Poker table top
· Poker chips
· Cigarettes
· Alcohol
· Bottles
· Glasses
· Money
· Chairs
· Table
· Rope
· Bag
· Metal pole

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