Friday, March 26, 2010

Media Diary

One of my first tasks in AS media was to crate a diary of media i used in a week.

In Total I roughly spent around 15 hours using media from Monday to Friday which is about an average week’s media usage. The product I use the most is my computer through programs like MSN and facebook, I also listen to the majority of my music on my laptop throughout the week but sometimes i have it playing just in the background which i haven't counted to the diary, the product I use the least would be newspapers and magazines as I rarely read them instead of reading magazines and papers i would read my revision notes. I believe my media usage is Average for someone my age.

Media influences my life by recommending what to buy and what to watch.
In my life I could not live without my laptop or my phone either one is as good as each other as I use them the most. I could live without newspapers as I watch the news on TV and on my laptop. This task as showed me the amount of media I use but hasn’t influenced me to change the way I use it. However I would much rather use a computer or watch TV than read the news in a paper or watch TV on the computer as it is more convenient.

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