Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Reflection of photography task

The task i was given was to take a variety of photos displaying different angles and techniques.


I started by viewing sample pictures showing the difference in each shot then thinking of some locations and topics i could photo.

Final images...

After choosing from a selection of my photos i was pleased with the final group however i could of used some different angles like the tilt shot or shots like inferia shots, but overall i think my photos were great.

Rules of photography...

I believe that the photos that i took used the corect angles, frames and copositions. And they followed the rule of thirds.


If i could redo the task i would incorperate more angles.

Favourate image...

my favourate shot was an areial shot of a path leading in to a wooded area.my least favourate image was a point of view shot of my friends car.